2022 promises to be an exciting year for the Marshfield Foundation’s Grants Committee. We have committed more than $6,000 from our Forward Bank CMMA donation & $20,000 from our Forever Fund. As well, the Foundation oversees annual grants for several internal funds including the Community Grants and Mike Tauschek Funds. It’s important for us to keep a pulse on community needs. We do this by being a part of many different groups such as Healthy Aging thru Aging and Disability Resource Center, United 4 Community Wellness (a collaboration with Children’s Wisconsin, Marshfield Area United, Marshfield School District, and MACCI to address mental health issues in our community), The Center for Inclusive Excellence at UWSP-Marshfield, Marshfield Area United Way Allocations Committee, and the Council on Foundation’s Rural Roundtable. It is a great asset to have a diverse board who brings their knowledge of emerging needs in our community. Our grants committee meets quarterly and we have made the application process easier to help get much needed funding to area nonprofits. We look forward to seeing applications come in from the Foundation’s service area. Please reach out to us with any questions about the application process. https://www.marshfield.foundation/grants/